katharina lays her hands on other woman

Clarity Breathwork

Clarity breathwork is a gentle, circular connected breathing, where you can release tension and unprocessed emotions.

Through the simplicity of our breath, we have access to understand how our birth and early childhood has a deep impact on how we experience our life and intimate relationships.

The soft and powerful approach in Clarity breathwork is somatic healing on a deep cellular level, that brings us back to our true nature, which is pure, innocent, and shining.

 The way we breathe, is the way we live our life.

Clarity Breathwork is for you if:

You need support to release old emotions, memories, and traumatic experiences in a safe and gentle way.

You are ready to bring unprocessed traumas to completion and live in your highest potential by shining from within.

Your nervous system is in a fight flight state, and you feel a longing for deep conscious relaxation.

You want to create an alkaline environment in the body and release toxins from your system.

You want to transform limited thoughts, pattens and imprints from birth and childhood.

You feel open to unravel relationship/ intimacy issues and need support to embrace and heal wounds of abandonment, loss, and rejection.

You are willing to commit to deep inner work to live your life guided by your intuition.

Breathing yourself alive

4 weeks 1:1 online Breathwork journey to shift from thinking and doing to feeling and being.

Breathing in aliveness into every cell of your body

Healing your nervous system through the power of the Breath

Coming out of numbness and awaken the emotional intelligence of your body, your intuition.

The old doesn’t fit anymore, the new way isn’t clear yet…

Transition into our true nature is intense… We need safety, clarity and feeling held in loving care.

Most of us don’t breathe fully, we hold our breath, we hold our emotions…

Our emotions are the doorway how we connect to our intuition, our inner guidance and get clarity about what we really need, so that it comes naturally that we live in pure alignment…

What’s included:

  • 4 private Clarity Breathwork Sessions online, each one is 60 min

  • 1 Integration call of 45min after 4 weeks


1111 euros (21% VAT included)   *payment plans available

Are you ready to feel alive?

Free dive

3 months 1:1 online Breathwork journey for deep purification on cellular level

Bringing awareness into your own birth material

Reconnect with the wisdom of your body.

Diving into the roots of negative core believes

Emotional release on cellular level

Inner child healing


Do you keep repeating the same patterns in certain areas of your life?

Some can go back all the way to the circumstances of our birth…

Our birth material impacts our life in many areas… relationships, health, self-worth, and the ability to attract abundance…

Through the breath, we have access to the emotional body to experience somatic healing on the nervous system.

By bringing in a somatic tool we activate the subconscious mind. In this powerful process we bring awareness to our birth material and open the door for inner child healing.

When we create a safe space to breathe into our tender and forgotten places with compassion, and intention, we transform, heal, and renew the story of our birth….

The results are priceless… abundance, healthy relationships, selflove and a life with purpose…

What is included:

  • 9 private Clarity Breathwork Sessions online, each one is 90 min

  • 1 Integration call of 60 min after 4 weeks

  • Yoga Nidra Serenity Bundle (worth 55 euros)


2444 euros (21% VAT included) *payment plans available

What if you could just free dive into the ocean of life?

“On my own journey it helped me to understand my limited core believe of not belonging…

I am so impressed how this inner purification on cellular level reflects in the outside world… Since then, I receive so much more support, abundance and have more trust in everything I do…

That means the world for me…”


  • "Katharina has a very calm, empathetic presence. With this soft breathing method, she brought me back to my body and my needs. Shortly into the session, I was processing emotional, cognitive and subconscious memory’s all at the same time. During the whole session I felt wonderfully supported, held, warm and soft. Thank you, Katharina.”

    Faye, Switzerland

  • "I am grateful to have connected with Katharina during our Clarity Breathwork retreats. She is such a joy to know, and it’s been wonderful to be facilitated by her in our Breathwork sessions. I feel safe and unconditionally loved in her presence and can fully let go. Her gentle, nurturing, and caring energy creates a beautiful space for healing and transformation. Her intuition and clairvoyance are a gift which has blessed our journeys together. I have been able to receive guidance from my Higher Self and gain valuable insights and support from beyond the veil. Working with Katharina has allowed me to attain more clarity through the power of the breath. Following our sessions, I feel energized, more at peace, and renewed. —Thank you, Katharina!"

    Michelle, United States